Consider this...

Whether or not you consume animals and their by-products, have you ever considered the existence of these beings, even for a minute? From conception to slaughter, they experience unspeakable cruelties and intolerable confinement; yet they have consciousness and experience feelings, just like us. Even if you don't care about animals, what about the impact of agribusiness on air, land and water pollution; not to mention the fact that we grow more grains to feed animals than we do to feed the hungry, and because of this, people are starving. Even if you only care about yourself, then consider that a meat-based diet contributes to cancer, stroke, heart disease, diabetes and obesity, all of which are killing us! Animals are not here for us to use and abuse, but they are at our mercy. It's our responsibility to be good stewards of this earth, but I don't believe we can honestly say that we're doing the best we can. But we can choose to go vegan.

Pengganti telur

Catatan: 1 cangkir = 235 ml

Untuk setiap 1 buah telur, kocok 1 sendok makan bubuk flaxseed dengan 3 sendok makan air sampai adonannya menjadi krim yang kental.
Cocok digunakan untuk membuat: waffle, martabak, apem, muffin, kue oat, roti.

Untuk mengganti satu atau dua buah telur, ambil satu buah pisang masak. Belah menjadi dua, lalu gunakan setengahnya saja, kemudian blender. Cocok digunakan untuk membuat: roti, muffin, kue, panekuk.

¼ cangkir saus apel tanpa gula sama dengan satu butir telur. Cocok digunakan untuk membuat: kue basah, roti, roti instan, dan brownies.