Consider this...

Whether or not you consume animals and their by-products, have you ever considered the existence of these beings, even for a minute? From conception to slaughter, they experience unspeakable cruelties and intolerable confinement; yet they have consciousness and experience feelings, just like us. Even if you don't care about animals, what about the impact of agribusiness on air, land and water pollution; not to mention the fact that we grow more grains to feed animals than we do to feed the hungry, and because of this, people are starving. Even if you only care about yourself, then consider that a meat-based diet contributes to cancer, stroke, heart disease, diabetes and obesity, all of which are killing us! Animals are not here for us to use and abuse, but they are at our mercy. It's our responsibility to be good stewards of this earth, but I don't believe we can honestly say that we're doing the best we can. But we can choose to go vegan.

UN Urges a Vegan Diet To Feed A Growing Population

A recent report released by the United Nations found that the rate in which other cultures are moving toward a Western diet that's heavy on both meat and dairy is simply unsustainable. The UN also proclaimed that diet was one of the largest contributors to fossil fuel consumption. With the global population surging to a predicted 9.1 billion by 2050, a vegan diet will be a must in order to be able to feed the population.
Impacts from agriculture are expected to increase substantially due to population growth increasing consumption of animal products. Unlike fossil fuels, it is difficult to look for alternatives: people have to eat. A substantial reduction of impacts would only be possible with a substantial worldwide diet change, away from animal products.
A vegan diet has the least impact on the planet. Mickey wrote that animal byproducts are the single largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. According to a report from World Watch Institute, they are responsible for 32.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year, or 51 percent of annual worldwide human caused greenhouse gas. The number one cause of global warming is found on your plate.

Moving Toward a Vegan Diet

If the idea of going completely animal free seems intimidating at best, consider making changes gradually. For me, alterations in my diet have to happen gradually in order to stick. Consider eating a vegan diet twice per week. Or if eating vegan is too much for you, consider limiting dairy consumption to just local eggs and high quality cheeses from small producers and choose to give up meat at least a few times per week. Consider being a weekday vegetarian or at the very least participating in Meatless Monday. After a while you just won't miss the meat at all.

Reposted fromPlanetGreen